Thursday, March 31, 2011


I'm sick with a really lame cold. All I want to do is lay in my bed and snuggle with something. But I don't have my favorite snuggle-buddy.

Don't get me wrong, I love snuggling with Pippin, but he gets antsy and doesn't like to cuddle for too long. My biggest and best snuggle buddy was Zack.

He was so spoiled. But he was so adorable. He used to spoon you with his back and he would get cold and shiver (I think he did it on purpose to make you feel bad for him) so you had to put him under the covers. And then he would fall asleep snoring! I never actually knew a dog to really snore, but man he was bad! It was so cute. Except he was such a bed hog! He would push and shove. And if you moved him, he would huff so offendedly.

He had one of the biggest personalities, even if it was one of an old man. I miss him terribly.

And I'm sick, and cold, and I just want to snuggle something!

i am so proud of my family

My sister has raised her children well in the ways of the force. This is Susanna and her awesome talents of rapping. You'll have to excuse my horrible camera skills, I was too overwhelmed with pride.

photo thoughts

I love this. I just want to cuddle with it

I love the trunk, the bed spread, the walls, the room

Ok, I didn't post this because I liked anything in this room because I don't, maybe the walls. The only thing I could think of when I saw this was... "baby head... why?!"

oh no... glasses are my kryptonite. And I love the yellow head board.

I just love this too much. I need to find it.

what the freak!

So on the right-hand side of my blog is something called "Total Pageviews". It's just something funny I put up there so I could see how many times my mother checks my blog per week. Because I was pretty positive that she was one of the only people who looked at it.

So imagine my shock when I noticed that the previous 7,088 went to THIS: (!)

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

birds of a feather

I really want to do this. They are feather extensions. You get them braided into the roots of your hair. They last for quite a while and you can shower and style them with the rest of your hair.

Sadly I can't do it while I'm here with Disney. Maybe for my birthday?


I need to get somethings out of my brain so I can finish my homework...

-my hair is getting so awkwardly long, that it gets stuck under my arm sometimes

-I hate having a cold. I can't seem to stay awake or focused. I have homework to do but I just want to sleep and have my mother be around

-I just want school to be over

-is three years really that big of an age difference? Why does it bother me?

-my hips and elbows feel really pointy lately. And I can't wear those expensive jeans my Dad bought me for christmas anymore because they wont stay up

-I miss my friends in Idaho

-I'm homesick for my little adopted family in Washington

-my feet itch, my mother always said that meant I was going to travel soon


I'm typically a pretty mellow person.

I really like to hang out with friends in groups, and I can have a fun time. But honestly, I really enjoy spending time by myself. Sometimes I just need that "me time". I'll go to movies by myself and I love just sitting in an empty room reading books.

But lately I've been trying to meditate more. A couple of years ago, I picked up yoga because my physical therapist recommended it to me after an accident that sprained a ligament in my spine. I kept with the yoga, and when I went back to school I started going to yoga classes three times a week. I continued to do it even after I left school. But on top of that, I've added 20 minutes of meditation to my routine at least 5 days a week.

I've been really stressed out lately with school and then working full-time and I've noticed what a huge impact it brings. I sleep so much better when I take the time. It's also a good way to help calm my heart down when it gets all crazy on me. It's perfect to help me stop thinking and relax. I tried doing it without music, but then I focused too much on the sounds around me, especially with four other girls living in the same apartment. So I started listening to a couple of different stuff while breathing. Moby is the best right now. Zoe Keating and her cello always amaze me. And the soundtrack from the new Pride and Prejudice always helps me mellow out.

Try it out. Just sit and breathe. Take the time to love yourself

beatlemainia is incurable but encouraged

I think Ringo may have better legs than I do! Hahaha, thank goodness men don't wear short-shorts anymore

photo thoughts

I'm not really bug on gardening, mostly because I hate nature (trust me, we've never gotten along). But I feel like I could handle a couple of cute coffee cans of herbs and flowers. Plus I like the coloring

I'm still going through a fascination with Elizabeth Taylor. She's just so gorgeous!

I kind of love how each one of the states is given a sterotype according to themsleves. I hate Utah's but I'm kind of proud of Washington's.

I love how asymmetrical this is

My mother did this in our old house in my sister's room. I love it. She has great style, I want to do it in my own future/ non-existant home

And I love this! It's kind of like, country/don't give a darn. I love the pop of color and the rough wood.

*I just swallowed my cough drop while trying to type this. I almost died!*

I really love the mismatched chairs! And it's so white!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


This is Wayne Champion.

He's one of the Starbucks regulars and he's one of the most fascinating people. He's there all day long every day just hanging out in his giant puffy coat and mardi gras purple necklace. I've been meaning to ask him about that. And he always has his little roll-a-way suitcase and his ghetto old laptop. I don't really know what he does all day other than take naps like below or play solitaire.

But he has amazing stories. Wayne and his old friend Bill were both on the All American team for football back in the 1960's. In fact they were both on the Ed Sullivan show when the Beatles came. Later on Wayne became quite famous for his voice by singing in Jazz clubs all over the world, including in the Apolo. I need to hear more of his stories.

But he's a sweetheart. Every time I see him, he tells me how I bless him with his presence. He saves me a seat at the table next to him on wednesdays and thursday and the other day he gave me this paper flower as I was leaving for work. I love all the people I've been fortunate to meet.

Monday, March 28, 2011

the morton

This is Morton.

Or the Matterhorne.

It's in Disneyland.

It got the name from my niece. When the kids were little we went to Disneyland for my 17th birthday. Suze was a tiny little thing but she was brave enough to go on the rides so we took her on the Matterhorne. At first she was freaked out but when we got off she was so excited. She wanted to go again and again. But we wanted to go on other rides first so I told her we would come back.

With her cute little speech (she's got a brooklyn accident even though she was born and raised in the west coast), she turned to me and pointed at my face with her cubby little finger and said, "Do you pwomise? Do you pwomise that we will go on the Morton? Because a pwomise is a pwomise, and a pwomise is a deal that you make."

Well I kept my pwomise, and we went on the Morton many more times afterwards.

photo thoughts

I love this watercolor. I want a big print of this for my house (in the future)

Tab and I have had the travel bug so bad! Tahiti, Thailand, Hawaii... we are going to do it

I WANT A MOPED! But my brother and Dad say that it's too wimpy. They are motorcycle men so they don't understand

I love this photo! And I really want those swimsuits

Story of my life

oui, je parle francias

So lately Starbucks has been on this French Funk which I have been totally loving. So I was talking to Austin the manager there, and he told me the album that played and I found it on iTunes for WAY cheap. So I invested.

It's fantastic. They have "These boots are made for walking" and "Paint it black" in french. I love it. Check it out.

Saturday, March 26, 2011


I just saw this really cute couple in Starbucks.

They were older, probably in their late 50's.

He wore flannel with his long grey/brown hair pulled back into a half ponytail. Round John-Lennon glasses and a beard that had red in it mixed with the brown and grey. He was a smaller man with a strong voice that he spoke softly with. He leaned on the table with his elbows, keeping both hands wrapped around his drink, except for every now and then when he'd reach his hand out to put it on top of hers every few moments.

She sat in a chair at the table across from him. She had dark brown hair that had strands of white in it that made her hair almost shimmer as it was pulled to the top of her head in relaxed but large clips. She had a small face that was set with similar round glasses to his, although her glasses seemed to magnify her eye and the fact that her eyes were completely surrounded by a thicket of lashes. She wore mom-jeans and a black turtle-neck that held her head up straight, exaggerating her already-straight posture. She finished her drink but her hands were set in front of her neatly folded and they kind of twitched every time he patted her hands. Her eye contact was stronger than her voice which was sweet and mousy.

It was so adorable to watch them talk to each other so carefully. When they left, he stood first to pull out her chair for her and he carried her cup to the trash before he opened the door for her. It kind of broke my heart a little bit.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

this is a woman

I love Elisabeth Taylor. She's beautiful and outstanding. She in my opinion is a real woman. Throughout her career she was this strong powerful woman who accomplished so much on her own strength when so many actresses had to lean on the leading man for their roles. She displayed that class and power. A very "I don't need no man" type of woman. I'd like to think that I am the same way. She's a classic lady, but she still has that power to her that makes you feel unworthy.

And she's gorgeous! She has an ideal figure. She's not that typical straight from the neck down. She is a curves-ahead, watch me walk, fairest of them all beauty. You have to admire her for that. If only classic beauty could come back.

love letters of great men vol. 1

I'm reading the most amazing book, the title above. It's seriously one of the best reads I've found in a very long time. It's a compilation of love letters that famous men in history have written to the women they love. I have to post one of them.

"Don't write to legibly, or intelligibily as I have no occupation so pleasant as pondering for hours over your hieroglyphics, and for hours more trying to interpret your dark sayings.

A clearly written simply expressed letter is too like the lightening.

Cuff Cooper"

This book is filled of so many beautiful letters. It kills me. It's a really quick read but it's one you can read over and over. I can't wait to get the next volume.

oh mother....

Ladies and Gentlemen, let me introduce my mother. She is one of my best friends and one of the most fun people I have ever met.

...but she is my mother... which means that by law she has to embarrass me... on facebook, for the world to see...

lights on!

Another really awesome thing we got to do with the Disney College Program was Space Mountain with the lights on!

It was crazy because there was SO many people there. And I hate to be a downer, but I kind of hate being surrounded by these college kids. They're all babies and they're so LOUD! I am such an old foggie...

But the experience was AWESOME! We got to ride it twice. Once with the lights off like normal, and then once with the lights on! And man, it is a LOT more creepy when you can see the track. You never really realize how high up the ride goes, or how close the tracks are.

*Just so you know, they tell you not to put your hands up for a reason!*

I was freaking out so much when the lights were on. I almost couldn't handle it. But man it was wild! Definitely a crazy experience. It's one of those things I love about this program, you get to do so many things you never would have been able to do otherwise.

Just a few of us... I really don't know who half of these people are. There's Kelsi right in the front again (photo hog) and then me and Stephanie in the back

Coming back from the first ride

Leaving for the second, haha, I'm the only one aware of this photo