Wednesday, March 2, 2011

in all seriousness.

I had a horrible night last night.

In a nut shell. A roommate came home drunk and her friends just dumped her in bed at 1:30am. To which she then proceeded to throw up in her bed. And worse, this was her first time drinking, so no one took any kind of precautions and no one probably made her stop. She's doesn't drink. She chooses not to, since it's against her religion. But the friends she hangs out with drink, and she normally tells them no. They know her standards and yet this still happened.

I was woken up and spent an hour cleaning up her bed, washing her sheets and then cleaning up the bathroom. After that I had to try to get her to go to sleep, but all she would do was lie there crying asking me if I was mad at her, asking herself what happened to her, and asking her God to forgive her. It broke my heart.

The fact of the matter is, you have to pick and choose your friends. Your friends are going to be the people who help shape who you are. You have to choose the friends whom you know will keep you strong. Who will respect your beliefs even if they're not their own. Who will answer a text in the middle of the night when you're scared. Who will let you sleep on their couch when your space has been violated (Thanks Kelsi).

I don't judge my roommate, because I know how peer pressure can be. And I know that no one is perfect. I'm not mad at her either because she made a mistake. I am mad at her friends, for not being responsible or respective to her standards. I am glad that I was able to be there to help her out.

I know I do this a lot, but I have to be thankful for my friends again. For Alyssa who kept me strong when I made mistakes. For Allison who makes me feel loved. For Mark for inspiring me. For Taylor for keeping my head up. And for Stephanie and Kelsi, who respect me.


Christibear said...

Real friends are those who make your life better. Perhaps you will turn out to be that person for your roommate.

Lyss said...

im sorry holly!
it is so good that you were there for her though. Even though it made your night crappy think about how much more your roommate loves and respects you now for what you did for her. Like in all seriousness she may not say it or show it but i know that she is grateful for what you do for her.
and i love you!! you are the bestest best friend ever!