Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Another Day at Disneyland

While working Pixar Pals Parade, I was waiting at the show area for the parade to arrive, the second show of the second set is the Incredibles.

While I'm waiting at my post an old gentleman comes up to me...

H: Hi sir, can I help you?

Mr. Clueless: Yeah, what's going on here?

H: Well in just a few moments the Pixar Pals Parade will start and come to this area where they will pick new recruits for their super squad.

Mr. Clueless: Oh so it's a show.

H: Actually it's a parade. They come down this way and then back the other way.

Mr. Clueless: So what's it about.

H: It's with the Incredibles, they come and pick recruits for their super squad. It's an interactive parade with kids.

Mr. Clueless: Who's that?

H: The Incredibles? They're the super hero family from the Pixar movie "The Incredibles"

Mr. Clueless: Oh so it's a movie. And they do the show here?

H: At this point I am so done going around in circles with this guy so I point to the green taped off area. You know what sir, the PARADE is about to start in just a few moments so if you want to watch, you can stand right behind this tape. Finally he walks off muttering to himself about watching the show... oh wow...

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