Another really awesome thing we got to do with the Disney College Program was Space Mountain with the lights on!
It was crazy because there was SO many people there. And I hate to be a downer, but I kind of hate being surrounded by these college kids. They're all babies and they're so LOUD! I am such an old foggie...
But the experience was AWESOME! We got to ride it twice. Once with the lights off like normal, and then once with the lights on! And man, it is a LOT more creepy when you can see the track. You never really realize how high up the ride goes, or how close the tracks are.
*Just so you know, they tell you not to put your hands up for a reason!*
I was freaking out so much when the lights were on. I almost couldn't handle it. But man it was wild! Definitely a crazy experience. It's one of those things I love about this program, you get to do so many things you never would have been able to do otherwise.
Just a few of us... I really don't know who half of these people are. There's Kelsi right in the front again (photo hog) and then me and Stephanie in the back
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