Sunday, November 14, 2010

Sleep Overs

So it started like this... The three of us (Jill, Allison and I) were wearing our footie pajamas and sitting in mine and Jill's room talking. Then we got kind of tired but Jill was joking around and said she wanted a story. Well I was reading the first Harry Potter in french so I volunteered in a joking way but they both agreed, even though they probably had no idea what I was reading out load.

I read for a good 15 minutes but it was really tiring and we were all falling asleep. Allison was about to go to her room but she made the comment that she was too comfy to move. So I thought, "Why not? Just stay! We can sleep heads and tails!" It sounded like a good idea, but I forgot that I sleep in a twin bed... I threw my body pillow to create room for the extra body and it worked out pretty well. It wasn't like there were actually feet in my face, just two extra foot-shaped sock monkeys... It worked out, aside from me stealing all the covers, almost being kicked in the face and looking over to see Jill entirely wrapped around my body pillow, I bet we looked really cute all in our footies.

It felt a lot like this with a whole lot less room

1 comment:

Allison said...

I vote on more sleepovers, but with more beds.