Sunday, November 21, 2010

Let Down Your Hair!

So I've been thinking... I really want my hair to be long. It's been short for such a long time and truth be told, I'm not interested in paying the $50 for a good hair cut or risk paying less for a bad hair cut at one of those schools. So I've decided to grow it out. I kind of want to see how long I can get it without it looking trashy. But below are a couple of inspirations of mine...

Buttercup from Princess Bride (well and him too *grrrrowl*)

Jennifer Connoly from Labyrinth

Young Priscilla Presley

Young Jane Seymor (talk about hott!)

Haha Cher of course... I always felt like when my parents were younger they looked like a better-looking version of Sonny and Cher

Liv Tyler... watched LOTR lately, she's beautiful!

Young Marie Osmond

Sloane Peterson from Ferris Bueller's Day Off.. every one loved her hair!

Pocahontas... the one of many Disney Princesses who worked that hair!!

Yep... sooooo true. Have you ever tried to copy their hairstyles? It's gravitationally impossible

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