Saturday, November 13, 2010

I Need

Ok... I have the coolest roommate. I've talked about her before but Allison is awesome (and that's not her sneaking on to my computer while I'm not looking... like last time). She plays the cello and she has to be one of the most talented people I know. She can whip out a song like Willow Smith can whip her hair back and forth... Just tonight she was playing a medley of LOTR, Star Wars, Pride and Prejudice, Cold Play, and Beatles. She's just amazing. And she always seems to educate me with the most fascinating musical finds.

I need the Sherlock Holmes Soundtrack. And this is why...

Below are a couple of videos of a mad genius who worked with Hans Zimmer in creating the weird sound of the score. It'll blow your mind. He literally plays a tree... as an instrament. And he finds strange ways to create these hybrids of instraments. It's creepy and beautiful at the same time.

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