Monday, November 29, 2010

Guilty Pleasures

I am a weak human being. There are too many things in my life that I cannot live without. Actually, I probably could live without them, I just choose not to... hence the guilty part of the pleasure (also, I really hate the word pleasure). So here's a list of my vices. Read them delicately, and try not to judge!

-Antique stores
-Anything Beatles related
-White Chocolate mocha from Starbucks
-Barnes and Nobles
-Buying journals
-Going to movies by myself
-Men with facial hair
-Red lipstick
-Thai food
-Lacy things
-Being cold
-Dancing in the darkroom with my iPod in (ONLY when I'm alone! Once Kris the lab assistant came in on me dancing to Cake, it was embarasing)
-Leaving the lights off
-Writing letters
-Singing REALLY LOUD in the car by myself
-Anything red
-Sometimes... men with long hair. I'm disgusted by it but its true. I can't help it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

bahaha i love your list... the last one is the best