Monday, December 20, 2010

With Oneself

This is very much true for me. But don't be fooled, contrary to my constant blogging and my strange hermit-like comments, I like to be around people. But I'm also the kind of person who really enjoys quiet. I've come to learn that my best relationships (both friend and etc.) are with the people that I can just sit quietly and not have the feeling that I need to talk with them. I love peace and self-reflection. Meditation. Really, try it. Just sit on your bed or in a room alone and think of nothing... it's hard and it takes a lot of work. I try counting to 5 with each breath and that helps me.

But it's my belief that you really can't be happy with others if you can't be happy by yourself.

1 comment:

Allison said...

I'm the same way. I once sat and classified all the different kinds of silences in my sketch book and decided why they were important to me.