Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Stephanie is my roommate. She's 18 (barely) and from Blackfoot, ID. Meaning Rexburg is a huge city to her and she says things like "Pell-o" for Pillow and "Melk" for Milk. She's very cute but has no idea about the world. For example, she knew NOTHING about the Beatles... literally... NOTHING. And she seriously lacks knowledge in all things Movie or Disney related. Bless her heart though, she's adorable.

We make fun of her a lot. It's all in good fun and she knows it. She joins in it a lot. But half of the things she says seriously kills me. For example:

Allison (roomie): Check this out, (showing a picture) it's a park where half of the year it's under water and half of the year it's a normal park! You can scuba dive through trees.

Stephanie: I've always wanted to scuba dive in Austria...

Holly: Stephanie, you can't scuba dive in Austria... it's land-locked. This is Australia

Me, Jill (my roommate), Lauren, Allison (aka. Fresh), Stephanie, Jessi

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