Thursday, October 28, 2010


I was up earlier today than normal. And I randomly checked my e-mail where I found a sad e-mail. It was a letter from Jean Avery, a friend from Redmond, letting everyone know that her mother Rosann passed away last night after a long battle with cancer.

Rosann was a really good friend of mine. She was the typical baseball-loving, poker-playing italian New Yorker. I loved her. She always made for the best conversation as well. She taught me how to appreciate good classic movies like Casablanca and Citizen Kane. And she always found an odd job for me to do when I was looking to save some money; such as painting a fence or putting together her lawn furniture. She was also always there for big events. She came to my high school graduation, all of our family parties and birthdays. She even came to a comic competition I was in back in high school.

I love her dearly and I'm going to miss her and feel sad at her passing. But I'm going to remember her with love and go out and have a great day just for her.

Thanks Rosann! - "Miss" Holly

Backstage at Miss Mustang

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