Saturday, October 2, 2010


I love to make lists. They help keep me sane and organized. I need a bit more organization in my life so here it goes. Just a list of things I love in life in no particular order...

-Coloring books
-Victoria Secrets (no reason not to feel pretty on the inside and underneath)
-Plastic cameras
-Old suitcases from garage sales that smell like old ladies
-Vinyl records
-Record players that sound like transformers (Magnavox!)
-Socks with sandals
-Earle Grey Tea with Milk
-Curing hiccups with Peppermint tea
-Bright colored vehicles (yellow car/ orange bike)
-Down-comforter blankets
-Rediscovering lost music on your iTunes
-Thick rimmed glasses
-Apple Products
-Alyssa Chudleigh
-Making lists
-Smell of pencils
-Making foot imprints in yoga mats
-Writing in a journal
-Strumming a ukulele
-Drinking a ton of water after being thirsty for a long time
-Cold pillows
-Black hair
-Typing really fast!
-Polaroid cameras
-Twisting a lens
-Opening cans and victoriously shouting "I don't need no man!" afterwards
-Showering in the dark
-Going to movies alone
-Laughing really loud never in the same way
-Men in sweaters
-French music
-Writing letters
-Receiving letters
-Ceiling fans
-Busy cities
-Star Wars
-Animal's with weird names
-Telling people my embarrassing stories and watching them laugh
-Being in the passenger seat
-Seeing lots of stars
-Being cold
-Scott, Susanna, Luke and Flynn - Kids who aren't mine but I love them more than any child on the planet!
-Long showers
-Dressing to make yourself feel pretty
-Beatle shirts
-Meeting Chewbacca
-Sitting on a subway by myself
-Brushing my teeth
-Collecting clips from design blogs
-Finding new Indie bands
-Finding oldies
-Movie Quotes
-Papa Murphy's Pizza
-Writing papers
-Pajama shorts and tall socks
-Cranberry juice
-Closing eyes when your tired
-Sketching strangers in airports
-Celebrity crosswords
-Teachers who are deceptively older than they look
-Homework you think will take long then doesn't
-Rereading old blogs

I could go on for SO long but my roommate's going to sleep and my eyes hurt. Happy conference tomorrow!!

1 comment:

Lyss said...

i dont know why i have never read this post. but i love you too!