Tuesday, April 5, 2011

to the woman who kicked me today...

Dear Madam-

Hi. You may not recognize me. Because I know that when I put a name-tag on, I'm technically no longer a human being. At least that's what you proved to me today.
First of all, I want you to know that I understand. I too, feel frustration when I can't have my way. I too, happen to love the Tower of Terror ride, so I'm always disappointed when I can't get on it right away. And I know very well how it feels to be frustrated with the people around me. But let me show how I handle it as an adult- I don't kick the people in my way.
Just so you are aware, it was an extra 5 seconds that I required you to wait. And it was a 5 seconds that you decided to utilize in kicking me in the ankle. Also, I happen to get paid to be there, so with your verbal abuse, I was technically the only one that came out on top, because I get a pay check.
And one more thing, I wasn't there to make your life harder. No, contrary to the comment you made against me, I was there to benefit you. I was there for your safety because you were about to walk into a float that was 20x your size.
So I hope your ride on Tower of Terror was worth it. Oh and by the way, how's security? I know they were really excited to meet you when you got off the ride. My ankle's doing fine. Have a magical day.

Cast Member Holly


Unknown said...

wow.... that sucks. i love the little letter though to her.

neil and jes said...

Wow that is RIDICULOUS. But love this letter. And love that you got the last laugh!

shannon said...

He he he... I have felt this a lot in my life!

Christibear said...

;-) I love it! It amazes me how mean some old people can be. I promise to never be a grumpy old person.

Holly said...

What's worse was she wasn't even that old! She was in her early 30's maybe