Yet again... I am amazed by my ability to tollerate people. All I can say is "Bless your heart" when really I'm thinking "Get away from me and go get some freaking BRAINS!"
Ok, I feel a little better now. I've been hanging out in Starbucks for the last four and a half hours now trying to write a paper and I have seen...
-The same homeless woman three times, asking me what I'm writing about (The same thing I told you one hour ago...)
-One Nun standing in line behind three thugs, how took off their hats and nodded respectfully when they passed her... how touching.
-Seven computers out all at the same time
-A Bible study group
-Three interviews
-One business meeting
-One coffee-needing mother with twin boys
-Two fathers with a baby each on a coffee date while their wives worked
-One dad with a pink baby stroller and a pink backpack
-One TINY white schnauzer puppy that looked JUST like a baby Pippin. She licked me, it was TOO cute!
I've spent enough time in here today that I can't even smell the coffee in the air anymore which is a bad sign, because then that means I'm going to smell like it when I leave here. Ok, food time then off to work!