Wednesday, August 3, 2011

serious thought

I read a poem today called "Our Baby Girl" by an anonymous author.

It was horribly depressing.

It was all about the life of this one girl through the perspective of her parents and how she learned all of the traits of a terrible marriage from the example of her parents:
"look at our baby girl.
she learned to take a hit from a man.
by her mother.
so proud."
... I do not recommend this poem.

It really got me to thinking. I have learned a lot of really great things about marriage, from the couples so close to me in my life. Although I'm not married, and I wasn't raised by a successful marriage, I still had parents and people who showed me the good to look for as I get older.

From my parents I learned: marriage is more than just about two people

My sister and her husband: to trust each other and grow as one person

My brother and his wife: to be best friends and affection

My Dad and his wife: to go on adventures and have each other's back in stressful times

Lisa and her husband: to be proud of your family

Shelley and Dan: to love each other's family unconditionally. You can't love someone unless you love where/who they came from

M. and B.: to be young and look for the future

I'm SO not married. Not even close. But I've noticed that no there's no such thing as a perfect mold for marriage. I've sure seen a lot of different shapes of marriages. And I've noticed that there really isn't one kind that's made for everyone. You just need to know what you want and what you don't want. I'm not looking to get married tomorrow, but at least I know an idea of what to look for.

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