Saturday, October 11, 2008

"Appreciate" What Others Wear

So Sarah, Mary, and I were at the cafeteria for lunch. While we were sitting enjoying our meal, I noticed a very nice looking young gentleman. He was wearing very stylish black thick-rimmed glasses, a nice collared shirt and a sweater over the top. He was 'fine'... so I asked my friend if I should go over and tell him how nice he looked. Foolishly she told me to go for it. So even more foolishly, I did... I walked up to him and said, "I just wanted to say, I really like the way your dressed." He smiled at me and thanked me. Then STUPIDLY my mouth threw up and said "Yeah, I really appreciate it." APPRECIATE IT?!?! He looked at me like I was a freak so I turned around and beckoned for Sarah to follow me as I made a hasty escape. URG! (Or in the words of Sarah... YARG!) I was so STUPID! TOTALLY blew my chances. So that's my idiot action for the week, stay tuned for what Holly will do next week...

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