Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Becoming a Creature of the Night

My internal clock is hating me right now. Work has been really screwing with my mind.

Since I work nights, I don't get home until 2 or 3 at night. At which point I make myself a dinner and watch a show to wind down before I'm able to go to sleep. So then I really don't get to bed until 4 or 5 am to which end I have to take Advil PM in order to fall asleep since I'm still so wired from work. THEN that means that I won't wake up until 1 or 2 in the afternoon!

I'll admit that when I was a teenager I would take full advantage of my youth and saturdays and sleep in until my mother came to wake me up around 11:30 in the afternoon, but my body had gotten to the maturity where I couldn't really sleep past 9:30. I had "sleeper's guilt" for wasting so much of the day.

But now I have it ten fold! When I wake up, all I have time to do is eat something, usually a breakfast item even though it's way past lunch. Pack a meal "lunch" and get ready for work before I run out the door to catch a bipolar bus that's usually too early or extremely late. And because of the undependable buses, I have to take the bus that will get me there 45 min to a half hour before I actually start.

So let's do the math:
A Normal Day with an 8 Hour Shift

Wake up at 1:30
Work at 5:30
Bus at 4:15
leaves me 2 and some change to get shower, cook lunch, and get ready

Work until 2
Bus home at 2:10
Bus doesn't come until 2:35
Bus arrives home at 3:10
Fix dinner and eat at 3:30
Bed by 5
Asleep by 5:45
Wake to repeat cycle at 1
equals 8 hours of restless sleep

I need to go to bed... But I just needed to explain the lack of blogging.

Soon to come: Star Wars Weekend

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