Tuesday, November 9, 2010


I'm slightly obsessed with feathers at the moment. I wear them on my necklaces and feather earings and I've been experimenting with them in my hair. I love them!

If you want to give me a really random Christmas present, I would love a bag of feathers. Not dyed feathers, just give me natural white or brown or mixed! But I have discovered that I can't wear black feathers because they literally disappear in my hair.

It's funny though, and I'm going off on a tangent here, but I think I've finally found my style. All through Junior High and High School I didn't really have a style. I kind of just threw on what was the most comfortable to me and that went with my hair too. I stuck with the bob or the awkward short with layering. It wasn't really until end of my senior year and the beginning of my freshman year that I really started pulling together a look. This is just a random list of influences:

-Star Wars (yes... vintage T's totally wearing the Millenium Falcon shirt now)
-Black and neutral colors
-Christmas (goes with the name, why not work it?)
-Seattle and Rain
-The Beatles
-Snow White

Back to feathers... here's random examples that I totally love!

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