Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Diane Arbus

I'm working really hard in my photography class lately. I'm really starting to get into it and I've never had a subject that clicked so easily while I was learning. It's amazing! It's not like drawing or painting that requires pure creativity. It's a science and there's a lot of technical stuff to it. I love it! It's actual work where the result is a truly rewarding piece of time. I'm addicted.

But since I'm so focused on photography, I had to show my favorite photo. It's so odd and comical that it's almost adorable. It's by Diane Arbus called "Boy with a Toy Hand Grenade". When this photo was taken, it caused a huge stir but I just love it! It's just this goofy little boy who was playing and stopped to make a face at the camera.

I hope my son is just like this scrawny little boy!

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